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Does Your Buy-Sell Agreement Meet Your Needs?

Federated Mutual Insurance Company | Buy-Sell Agreements | Business Succession Planning | Multigenerational family owned business

Many business owners spend a lifetime building a business without considering the range of life events that could impact their business succession planning. Although some business owners have put together buy-sell agreements on the advice of their corporate attorney, it’s not a bad idea to review your plan with someone experienced at drafting business succession planning documents.

When designing a business succession plan, you need to carefully consider each life event that may impact your business and the impacted owners. 

Your Plan Can Include Many Factors

Although death is a common life event addressed by buy-sell agreements, other factors can be just as important to consider. 

Did you know that over one in four 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire?1 And what happens if one of your business owners becomes permanently disabled or goes through a divorce? If your buy-sell agreement does not cover a range of common life events it could place your entire business succession plan at risk. 

One Life Event Can Change Everything

It is important to look at what can happen under your current plan or work to create one that fits your specific needs. If certain life events are not covered, it might be worth reaching out to your local marketing representative to meet with an attorney who specializes in business succession planning.


1Social Security Administration. Disability Benefits. Accessed 10/29/24.


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Published Date: November 20, 2024

Categories: Its Your Life