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Federated DriveSAFE Telematics Helps Employees Make it Home Safely

The more time we spend behind the wheel, the less aware we can become of our driving style. Left unchecked, the occasional poor behaviors can quickly grow into dangerous driving habits. Every employer wants their employees to make it home safely. Federated DriveSAFESM telematics is a proven way to help you do just that. In fact, we believe in DriveSAFE so much, we offer it to clients as a complimentary, value-added service.

Ask yourself, “In the past month, how often have my employees been driving and had a near-miss collision because they…”

  • Slammed on the brakes?
  • Rolled through a stop sign?
  • Turned a corner too fast?
  • Were distracted sending a text?
  • Decided to speed?

What is DriveSAFE Telematics?

The Federated DriveSAFE telematics program leverages technology to give you and your employees consistent, meaningful feedback about their driving habits. And that feedback can help prevent the injuries, deaths, litigation, reputational damage, and expenses associated with a devastating crash. Most importantly, it can give your employees the best chance of staying safe on the road every day.


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How Does DriveSAFE Telematics Work?

Mobile phone displays screen of Federated DriveSAFE mobile app, next to man in hat driving work van

Mobile App

Provides drivers a score and feedback on phone use, speeding, hard braking, harsh cornering, and hard acceleration.

Line of white fleet vehicles next to DiveSAFE Federated Telematics Tag


Placed in fleet vehicles to collect driver performance information. Tags are easy to install, battery-powered, and wireless.

Smiling Woman looks at laptop screen with examples of telematics analytics and summary email

Portal and Weekly Summary Email

An administrator portal and weekly team summary email help leaders analyze employee driving behavior and trends. 

Read testimonials from our current DriveSAFE clients:

“Federated DriveSAFE is a great technology solution to keep safety top-of-mind for everyone. Not only are our company drivers taking ownership of their driving behaviors and being more careful, but as an added bonus, it’s increased our knowledge of where all of our assets are — from our drivers, to our stock, to the vehicles themselves.”

“Anything to help prevent accidents and save lives, I’m all for. This tool has made us very conscious in our vehicles, and as a result, we have become more focused on safe driving behaviors. Personally, I have slowed down and do not touch my phone when I’m in my car; it’s really helped me keep safety a focus."

The information herein is for general information and risk prevention only and should not be considered legal advice or an offer of insurance. Coverage will be determined by solely by the terms and conditions of your policy, if approved for issue.  Qualified counsel should be sought regarding questions specific to your circumstances.