Social Media Terms of Use
Use Limitations
Copyright/Use License
By accessing any Federated sponsored social media pages or content (the "Federated Page"), you agree to comply with these Social Media Terms of Use in addition to any terms of use applicable to the relevant social media outlet. If you do not agree with any of these terms, do not use or access the Federated Pages.
Any content or comments you provide on the Federated Page shall be referred to herein as "User Content." Any content posted by Federated on the Federated Page or Federated sponsored content on a third party's social media page(s) shall be referred to herein as "Federated Content."
Use Limitations
You agree to comply with the third party host site’s terms of use and privacy policy. You agree you have the right to post any User Content posted on a Federated Page. You also agree that your activities on any Federated Page will not violate any applicable law, regulation, or other agreement you may have with Federated Mutual Insurance Company. Any unauthorized or misuse of the Federated Pages or the content appearing on the Federated Pages is strictly prohibited. You understand and agree that Federated retains the right to moderate and delete any content, including but not limited to, User Content, and/or block individual users at its sole discretion. Federated is not responsible for any User Content, including posts made by employees or agents who are not authorized administrators of the Federated Pages. User Content is not edited or endorsed by Federated and does not represent the views or positions of Federated.
Copyright/Use License
Unless otherwise indicated, the Federated Content provided in our sites is owned by Federated. You may share the Federated Content on the same social media outlet on which it originally appears but you are not authorized to modify, copy, or otherwise use the materials for any commercial purpose or for public display. Please retain any included copyright notices which may appear on the Federated Content. Federated reserves the right to terminate this license to share at any time and for any reason.
By posting User Content on the Federated Pages, you hereby grant Federated a non-exclusive license to redact, reproduce, publish, adapt, edit, modify, create derivative works of, display, distribute or otherwise use your User Content without any further approval from you and without any paid compensation.
The Federated Content is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express or implied. Further, Federated does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the Federated Content or use thereof. Federated is not responsible for the content of any third party site linked to or from the Federated Pages or in Federated Content. Further, where Federated sponsors content on a third party social media page, Federated is not responsible for the content of such third party pages. By providing such links, Federated does not endorse the linked site or its content. When going to a third party site linked from the Federated Pages or Federated Content or using a third party's social media page(s), your use of that site and/or page is at your own risk and is governed by the site’s or page's terms of use and privacy policy. The Federated Content is provided for general information only and should not be considered legal or other expert advice or an offer of insurance. Any recommendations made on the Federated Pages or in Federated Content may help reduce the risk but is not guaranteed to eliminate any or all risk of loss. The information contained on the Federated Pages or in Federated Content is current as of the date published and is subject to change. The information may be subject to and is not a substitute for any applicable laws or regulations. All products and services not available in all states. Exclusions and limitations may apply. Coverage will be determined by the facts of the claim and the terms of your policy, if approved for issue. For personal lines coverages, your eligibility and premium will depend on the application of Federated’s underwriting guidelines to your unique circumstances, including but not limited to, your personal information, loss history, location, driving records, and coverage. Qualified counsel should be sought with questions specific to your circumstances.
Federated abides by the applicable privacy policies of the third party hosts of the Federated Pages. Federated also complies with the Online Privacy Policy. Do not share private or confidential information on the Federated Pages.
Privacy Contacts
If you have specific questions about your rights or about this notice, you may contact us at:
- Phone TOLL-FREE: 1-800-533-0472 and ask to speak to the Privacy Officer
- Postal Address:
Federated Mutual Insurance Company
Attn: Privacy Official – Legal
121 East Park Square
Owatonna, MN 55060
Federated reserves the right to modify, moderate, or delete the Federated Pages, Federated Content, or these Social Media Terms of Use at any time without notice. Any such modifications will be effective as of the date posted and shall be applicable only to these Social Media Terms of Use. Your use of the Federated Pages or Federated Content does not create any relationship of any kind between you and Federated. In no event will Federated or its affiliates be liable for any damages of any kind arising out of or resulting from your use of the Federated Pages or Federated Content or your violation of these Social Media Terms of Use. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Federated harmless from and against any and all liability arising from your use of the Federated Pages or Federated Content or violation of these Social Media Terms of Use. Your use of the Federated Pages and/or Federated Content is subject to all applicable laws and regulations. These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota and any action arising hereunder or related to your use of the Federated Pages or Federated Content shall be brought in the state or federal courts in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Use of the Federated Pages or Federated Content is unauthorized in any jurisdiction which does not give effect to these Social Medial Terms of Use. These Social Media Terms of Use, together with any additional terms and conditions or policies referred to herein, constitute the entire understanding between you and Federated.
For further information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions that also apply to Federated’s social media channels.